Sunflower Song
by Clayre Benzadón

Bleeding heart, bloodroot.
The boneset of calla shuts

up the body of windflower
chimes, bluebells ringing

inside ghosted globe
thistles, darting

golden buttons. Yellow
archangels trumpet

the mouths of tulips
until they become a sun-

flower, summer
savory, heliotropism,

the way they face day-
light, a sweet asylum

in the symmetrical
stretch toward its golden



About the Poet: Clayre Benzadón is currently a second-year MFA student at the University of Miami and Broadsided Press’s Instagram editor. 

She has been published by The Acentos Review, HerStory, Rat’s Ass Review, and other literary magazines / journals. Additionally she has had the opportunity of attending The Miami’s Writer’s Institute and The Ashbery Home School, a week-long poetry writing workshop/conference in Miami.

Twitter: @ClayreBenz
Instagram: clayrebenz