Postcard XXVII.
A poem by Nicole Bethune

Postcard XXVII.
she’s made for misadventure
for the spur-of-the-moment departure
the romp through sand and snow and wild grasses
and getting lost and falling off grid
she’s made for collecting coordinates to sleep in
for burying shards of her heart along the way
for falling in love again and again
and again
for having her heart broken as she drives away
for piecing it back together amidst the dust
and the turmoil
for letting her hair blow out the window
as she sings off key to the wind
for turning what ifs
into why the hell nots

About the Author:

Nicole Bethune is a poet, writer and multi-faceted artist. Her first collection of poetry, brackish, was published by Finishing Line Press. She is currently focused on documenting her memories, travels and interactions with the environment through her creative work and when she isn’t writing or wheel-throwing, Nicole is likely off exploring with her dog, Lyla. You can reach her at @nicolee.bethune on most social media platforms.

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