A poem by Richard Levine


Come see how this honeybee is feasting
in the purple prayer of a crocus cup,
and how in an April shower it seeks
cover under flower petals and sweet
saffron-colored pollen. There, it may sleep,
head bowed reverently, and wake refreshed,
to waggle-dance and gather its life in beauty.
Do you need imagination, to feel
what waking inside a flower might be
like, or can you simply remember?

About the Author:

Richard Levine, author of Now in Contest, Selected Poems, Contiguous States, and five chapbooks, is an Advisory Editor of BigCityLit.com.  Recipient of the 2021 Connecticut Poetry Society Award, he co-edited “Invasion of Ukraine 2022: Poems.”  His poetry appears in Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry, Poetry Foundation and American Academy of Poets websites.  richardlevine107.com.

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