The Edge of Memory
by Randal A. Burd, Jr.

His laughter still infects across the years,
Long absent since the days he was around–
The video conserves the cherished sound–
Distorted by effects of time and tears.

He occupies the edge of memory.
His ghost still haunts me when I least expect.
Yet, when I pause and try to recollect,
He hides in haze devoid of clarity.

So different than the person in my mind,
The one who now appears upon the screen
Objectively preserved, but seldom seen,
Is more authentic and far less refined.

I cannot trust my head to hold what’s dear;
My heart and time are sure to interfere.


About the Poet: Randal A. Burd, Jr. is a married father of two and an educator working on the site of a residential treatment facility in rural Missouri. Randal’s poems have recently been featured by The Society of Classical PoetsVita Brevis, the Amethyst Review, and Nine Muses Poetry among other publications.

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