A poem by Joanne Durham

Sometimes sky and sea
seek each other so urgently
they leave no hint of horizon.

In just the right sun-dazed light,
you might witness
one smoothly pressed roller
of azure paint, the aperture
of your eye adjusted
as cloudless dome
fades to cerulean cradle.

You could say
we’ve lost perspective
when it happens:

we need a rainbow to remind us
we are anchored
to the arc of the earth.

About the Author:

Joanne Durham is the author of To Drink from a Wider Bowl, winner of the Sinclair Poetry Prize (Evening Street Press 2022) and On Shifting Shoals (Kelsay 2023). Her poems appear in many journals and anthologies. She was the 2023 winner of the Third Wednesday Annual Poetry Contest and the Mary Ruffin Poole Award. She lives on the North Carolina coast, with the ocean as her backyard and muse.

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